I make several different types of sourdough bread. My regular loaves weigh 1kg (pre-baked) and are proved in bannetons or loaf tins depending on the type of flour used to make the dough. Email me at: simon@breadbeard.co.uk to order.
White Sourdough – £4.50

My most popular loaf is made with Shipton Mill Finest Bakers White Bread Flour – No.1 (101), finely ground sea salt and filtered water. The dough is risen in the fridge for 24 hours and then divided and shaped into individual loaves, which I then prove in the fridge for a further 12 hours in bannetons. Then they are turned out, slashed to allow expansion during baking and cooled before delivery or collection.
Light Malt Sourdough – £4.50

A super tasty loaf made with Shipton Mill Organic Light Malthouse Flour (301), finely ground sea salt and filtered water. The dough is risen in the fridge for 24 hours and then divided and shaped into individual loaves, which I then prove at room temperature for a further 12 hours in 2lb loaf tins. Then they are baked and cooled before delivery or collection.
Focaccia Sourdough – £5.50

Classic Italian flat bread made with Shipton Mill Finest Bakers White Bread Flour – No.1 (101) I add rosemary, sea salt, olive oil and filtered water. The dough is proved in the fridge for 24 hours and then divided and shaped into individual loaves, which I then prove at room temperature for a further 12 hours on flat baking sheets. I sprinkle course sea salt, rosemary and a squeeze of olive oil and press my fingers into the dough to give that distinctive dimpled look. Then they are baked and cooled before delivery or collection.
Chocolate Sourdough £5.50

Now this is an indulgent treat! A sourdough loaf made with added dark chocolate chunks and cocoa powder. It is a very rich loaf for special occasions. It makes amazing toast. Because it is so rich, the loaf is half the size of my regular loaves at 500g. It is made with Shipton Mill Finest Bakers White Bread Flour – No.1 (101), finely ground sea salt, filtered water, butter, brown sugar, dark chocolate chunks and cocoa powder. The dough is risen in the fridge for 24 hours and then divided and shaped into individual loaves, which I then prove back in the fridge for a further 12 hours in 1lb loaf tins. They are turned out, slashed, and sprinkled with sugar for an extra special crusty top. Then baked and allowed to cool before delivery or collection.
Email me at: simon@breadbeard.co.uk to order.
Orders need to be received by 18:00 on Tuesday for bread to be ready on Friday